RF Body Contouring at Hela!

Hela Medical Spa Washington DC is thrilled to offer you amazing results with radio-frequency (RF)! The use of radio-frequency devices in body sculpting is a trusted technology that physicians have been using to treat patients for decades!

RF uses radio-frequency to firm and tighten your skin meanwhile also increasing collagen and elastin! The following areas can be treated:


Radio Frequency Technology FAQs

What does RF technology do?
Radio-frequency technology delivers heat to tighten and firm the skin as well as increasing collagen. The RF treatment uses heat to stimulate collagen production. The primary benefits are getting rid of wrinkles and tightening and firming the skin. This treatment can also be used on the body for issues such as sagging skin or laxity, jowls, jawline, submental, around the knees, or post-partum belly button tightening. 

Who are the best candidates for RF treatment?
Anyone looking to tighten skin tone on the face or body; undereyes, jawline, submental, abdomen - especially laxity around the belly button and around knees. (See all areas on diagram above!)

Open wounds, acne, history of keloids, contagious diseases, rosacea, metallic implants, metal plates/screws, pregnancy.

Treatment Plan
Each area takes between 10-20 minutes.

$350/area, recommended in a series of 3 = $945

Shave if needed for body treatments, keep skin clean without lotions or perfumes.

Temporary swelling and redness.

When will I start to see results?
Immediately after and up to approximately 12 weeks after the last treatment. You will love your results and it’s easy to keep up the maintenance with easy follow up appointments! For THE best deal, be sure to purchase a package deal!

Text us at Hela Medical Spa Georgetown 202-333-4445 to schedule a FREE consultation.