nutrition therapy
Nutritional Foundation: MicroNutrient Lab Test and Assessment
Hela's micronutrient assessment is superior to all other nutritional tests available! There has never been a better solution for a full assessment of your vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. Imagine having an analysis of your health that is both predictive and preventive. Our panels are designed to provide you the most comprehensive analysis with targeted repletion recommendations. This technology will help you improve your outcomes and success. We provide nutrition therapy for:
- SkinCare Clients
- PRP for Hair Rejuvenation Clients
- Laboratory Assessments
- Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
- Weight Management
- Digestive Disorders (Crohns, Gerd, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.)
- UltraShape Power Clients
- Weight Loss, Gain or Maintenance Clients
- General Nutrition/Healthy Eating
- Food Sensitivities & Intolerances
- Heart Health/Cardiovascular
- Integrative & Functional Nutrition
Nutrition Foundation Pricing 700
includes the follwing:
- lab blood draw for micronutrient test (425)
- lab report + plus one nutritional assessment session (275)
STEP 1: Book your blood draw
Schedule your lab blood draw for your micronutrient test. Text now to book! 202.333.4445
STEP 2: Book your nutritional assessment appointment
Once your micronutrient test lab results are in (usually takes several weeks), we will contact you to schedule your assessment session which includes a medical professional interpretation of your results and customized nutritional feedback just for you!
What makes our MicroNutrient Test unique?
The one-size- ts-all approach to health is outdated. So too is having to estimate nutrient adequacy, thanks to our patented lab test. Our proprietary technology takes the guesswork out by offering a comprehensive intracellular micronutrient evaluation.
Why Hela’s MicroNutrient Test?
Our test ALONE offers the technology that provides information about your personal micronutrient profile. It is NOT based on:
Food diaries or food recalls
Lab results reflect YOUR cellular and immune health because we analyze YOUR white blood cells.
Here are the reasons that our micronutrient test is truly unique – NO other test on the market offers this information:
1. Intracellular. Standard blood testing is misleading, because it is based on serum (which is outside of cells), and serum levels of nutrients don’t always re ect what’s going on inside of cells, where metabolism occurs. Serum tests may show normal values, even if an intracellular de ciency exists. Intracellular measurement is critical for determining nutrient absorption, transport and utilization – and therefore, health.
2. Functional. Our test evaluates how micronutrients function in the body, not just what happens to be in the bloodstream. A micronutrient’s impact on cellular function is what matters, not how much is present in blood.
3. Lymphocyte-based. In our laboratory, we subject living white blood cells (obtained from a simple blood draw) to dozens of nutritional evaluation environments. Lymphocytes contain your complete genetic makeup, working coordinately – not just the gene subsets detected by other testing platforms – and are a re ection of long-term nutrient status and therefore, of cellular health throughout the body.
4. Long-term. The lifespan of these cells (4-6 months) means that taking a full range of supplements days or even weeks before your blood draw will not affect your results (serum micronutrient levels can uctuate wildly on a daily basis). Your lymphocytes re ect your nutrient intake over a period of months, not days or hours.
5. Comprehensive. Nutrients work synergistically, so a comprehensive lab test is superior to measurement of individual micronutrients. Our micronutrient profile measures the functional level of 33 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites so that patterns of deficiency are clear.
6. Proprietary. Only test offers the patented Spectrox® (reflects antioxidant capacity) and Immunidex (a measure of immune system function) as part of the micronutrient profile.
Don’t be fooled – no other micronutrient test compares. Only Hela’s offers a true intracellular lymphocyte analysis of long-term nutrient status!
Did you know Hela offers Vitamin B12 injections?
Increases energy, brain function, metabolism with this easy injection at our medspa.
$250/series of 6 B12 injections recommended 1x month. For more info, click here!
For more info, click here!