VelaShape III

Hela Medical Spa Georgetown
is Washington DC's #1 top VelaShape provider!

Erase Cellulite with VelaShape III

VelaShape III, using bipolar RF (radio frequency), IF (infrared) and pulsatile suction, is the perfect stand alone treatment or complementary treatment before and after permanent fat destruction (i.e. truSculpt iD).

VelaShape III is a highly effective solution for comfortable, non-invasive, body contouring for a wide range of treatment areas and all skin types.

There is ZERO downtime with this treatment with amazing results.

It is cleared for:

  • Reduction in the appearance of cellulite
  • Circumferential reduction
  • Improvement in the local blood circulation
  • Relief of minor muscle spasms, aches and pain
  • Perfect booty lift
  • Eradicates stubborn fat without pain

VelaShape III provides the popular and effective 'booty lift'! Our clients (and staff) rave over their Vela ‘butt lift' ...perfect for bikini season and all year long! Vela has consistently been one of our staff's favorite treatments!

VelaShape III has little or no discomfort. To some patients it feels like a warm massage with suction and it's easy fit in to a busy scheudle with short treatment sessions and outstanding results. Some clients will see a change after their first treatment, however best results come from a series of 3-6. Most patients will come back for maintenance...Vela is like Botox for your body!

For all body package info: click here!