Dermal Fillers: Pre and Post Treatment Instructions

Please review below instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to text/call our office at (202) 333-4445.

Pre Treatment

  • Do not consume alcohol for twenty-four (24) hours before your procedure.

  • For ONE WEEK before your procedure, do not use aspirin, or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc), gingko biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and any other essential fatty acids.

  • Eat before your procedure.

  • Avoid Chemical Peels and Laser Peels 1-2 weeks prior to Dermal Filler treatment.

  • Arrive at your appointment without make-up and a clean face.

Post Treatment

  • DO NOT RUB OR MASSAGE the treated area/s today. When cleansing your face or applying makeup, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid excessive mobility of the area/s.

  • For 48 hours following your procedure, avoid strenuous exercise, sun/heat exposure (this includes tanning beds!), massaging, pressing treated areas, extreme cold exposure.

  • You should be able to return to work and normal activities immediately (provided this does not include any previously mentioned restrictions).

  • Bruising at the treatment site may occur.

  • Temporary, minimal to moderate swelling may be expected related to the area/s treated and the product/s used. Apply cool compresses to the area/s treated (avoiding pressure) to reduce swelling. DO NOT, however, massage or press hard with ice packs/cool compress.

  • It may be normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site that can last for a few hours or, at times, a couple of days.

  • You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Continue to avoid aspirin or NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory such as ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), vitamin E and fish oil, for ONE WEEK as they may increase your potential to bruise.

  • Avoid excessive heat such as saunas, hot showers and steam rooms. This may cause the blood vessels to dilate and lead to more bruising.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for a minimum of 12 hours after your procedure, as this may contribute to bruising.

  • Wait at least 12 hours before receiving any skin care treatments or massages.

  • Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness has subsided. Apply an SPF 40 or higher sunscreen to the treated area/s.

  • It may be normal to feel firmness in your treated area/s for the first few days after treatment. Over time, the area/s will soften and settle.

  • Wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving any laser or facial treatments.

  • One side may heal faster than the other side.

  • PLEASE REPORT ANY REDNESS, BLISTERS, OR ITCHING IMMEDIATELY! Please send photo via text ASAP to 202.333.4445.

  • Significant changes may be achieved in the first treatment. A touch-up refinement may be required to achieve optimal results. A follow-up appointment should be scheduled in 1 week.

    If you have any questions or experience any side effects, please contact our office immediately. Text us at 202.333.4445 and email us at​.