Dermal Fillers: Pre and Post Treatment Instructions
Please review below instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to text/call our office at (202) 333-4445.
Pre Treatment
Do not consume alcohol for twenty-four (24) hours before your procedure.
For ONE WEEK before your procedure, do not use aspirin, or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc), gingko biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and any other essential fatty acids.
Eat before your procedure.
Avoid Chemical Peels and Laser Peels 1-2 weeks prior to Dermal Filler treatment.
Arrive at your appointment without make-up and a clean face.
Post Treatment
DO NOT RUB OR MASSAGE the treated area/s today. When cleansing your face or applying makeup, use gentle, sweeping motions to avoid excessive mobility of the area/s.
For 48 hours following your procedure, avoid strenuous exercise, sun/heat exposure (this includes tanning beds!), massaging, pressing treated areas, extreme cold exposure.
You should be able to return to work and normal activities immediately (provided this does not include any previously mentioned restrictions).
Bruising at the treatment site may occur.
Temporary, minimal to moderate swelling may be expected related to the area/s treated and the product/s used. Apply cool compresses to the area/s treated (avoiding pressure) to reduce swelling. DO NOT, however, massage or press hard with ice packs/cool compress.
It may be normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site that can last for a few hours or, at times, a couple of days.
You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Continue to avoid aspirin or NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory such as ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), vitamin E and fish oil, for ONE WEEK as they may increase your potential to bruise.
Avoid excessive heat such as saunas, hot showers and steam rooms. This may cause the blood vessels to dilate and lead to more bruising.
Avoid drinking alcohol for a minimum of 12 hours after your procedure, as this may contribute to bruising.
Wait at least 12 hours before receiving any skin care treatments or massages.
Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness has subsided. Apply an SPF 40 or higher sunscreen to the treated area/s.
It may be normal to feel firmness in your treated area/s for the first few days after treatment. Over time, the area/s will soften and settle.
Wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving any laser or facial treatments.
One side may heal faster than the other side.
Significant changes may be achieved in the first treatment. A touch-up refinement may be required to achieve optimal results. A follow-up appointment should be scheduled in 1 week.
If you have any questions or experience any side effects, please contact our office immediately. Text us at 202.333.4445 and email us at