Laser Hair Removal (LHR): Pre and Post Treatment Instructions

Please review below instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to text/call our office at (202) 333-4445.

Pre Treatment

  • Do NOT wax, pluck, tweeze the area being treated for at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure.

  • We DO ask that you shave the area prior to the treatment. This will make your treatment more comfortable so that we can target the hair at the follicle level. Must avoid plucking, waxing, bleaching, threading, Nair, and any depilatories on treated areas 2-4 weeks prior to treatments. Shave only before each treatment.

  • Do NOT have any sun exposure / sunburn / tanning (including spray tan) 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

  • We DO ask you to arrive to your appointment without skincare products on the area such as lotions, deodorants, oils.

  • Do NOT use any active skincare products (like retinoids or acids) on the treatment area 3-5 days prior to your treatment.

  • Medications & Health Conditions: Inform your provider about any medications, antibiotics, or health conditions, as some can affect treatment safety. Recent antibiotic use can also cause photosensitivity. Must be off Accutane (isotretinoin) 6 months prior.

  • No Bleaching: Stop bleaching hair 2 weeks before treatment.

  • We are unable to treat you if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • We are unable to treat near tattoos.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and avoid caffeinated foods, beverages, and chocolate before your treatment for maximum comfort.

Post Treatment

  • Avoid extended UV exposure for 1-2 weeks post-treatment.

  • A topical soothing solution such as Aloe Vera gel, rose water, hydrating moisturizers, cool towels, or ice packs may be applied to alleviate discomfort due to heat.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise/ swimming/hot tubs/bubble baths/saunas/hot showers/steam for 24 hours. Any extreme heat, sweating may sting or irritate the hair follicles.

  • Using a broad spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 30-50 is critical after receiving laser treatments and is recommended ongoing for maintenance.

  • No Harsh Products: Refrain from using exfoliants, retinoids, or chemical peels on the treated area for 5-7 days.

  • Gentle Cleansing: Wash the area with mild soap and lukewarm water. Avoid scrubbing.

  • No Waxing or Plucking: Hair may shed over the next 1-3 weeks. Do not wax or pluck—only shave if needed.

  • Moisturize: Keep the skin hydrated with a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer.

  • For dark, coarse, or thick hair, you may experience ingrown hairs after the first few treatments until the hair becomes finer. To help prevent and treat ingrown hairs, you can use Tend Skin or a gentle exfoliator 2-3 times per week, as long as your skin is not irritated.

  • Laser hair removal is technically hair reduction, not permanent removal. It significantly reduces hair growth, but some maintenance treatments may be needed over time, especially for hormonal areas. To achieve the best results, complete the full treatment schedule at the intervals recommended by your technician. Series of treatments are required to achieve optimal results. A follow-up appointment typically is scheduled in 4 weeks.

  • PLEASE REPORT ANY REDNESS, BLISTERS IMMEDIATELY! Please send photo via text ASAP to 202.333.4445.

  • If blisters occur, do not puncture. If skin is broken or burnt apply an antibiotic ointment continuously until healed. Apply hydrocortisone cream if a histamine reaction occurs (follicular edema) and avoid tight clothing. If you experience any side effects, such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, prolonged redness, swelling, or blistering, call, text or come in for instructions on treatment, and text over photo ASAP.

If you have any questions or experience any side effects, please contact our office immediately. Text/call us at 202.333.4445 and email us at​.